Purple Fusion

Rs. 7,200

The `Purple Fusion` bouquet is a manifestation of taste, elegance, and sentiment. Whether it`s presented to mark a special occasion, convey affection, or simply to express gratitude, this bouquet leaves an imprint that`s both unforgettable and heart-warming. It`s a gesture that combines the allure of chocolates, the tenderness of teddies, and the beauty of Roses, making it a gift that`s destined to make a grand impression.
This Beautiful bouquet of chocolates consists of:
5 Cadbury Mini Slabs
4 Cadbury Bars
5 Kit Kats
3 Teddies
8 Roses
3 Ferrero Rocher

Addon Products:
    Gift Wrap (Rs. 500)
    Frock Teddy (Rs. 400)
    Small Teddy (Rs. 300)
    Bunny (Rs. 400)
    Beige Teddy (Rs. 400)
    Add Large Rose (Rs. 280)
    Graduation Tag (Rs. 250)
    Birthday Tag (Rs. 250)
    Congrats Tag (Rs. 200)
    Extra Ferrero Rocher (Rs. 400)
    Extra Large Heart Chocolates (Rs. 220)